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Environment Variables

The env vars are only applicable to the Jackson service. If you are using the npm then look for the options below when initializing the library.

General configuration


The URL to bind to. Default: localhost


The port to bind to. Default: 5225


The public URL to reach this service, need for constructing for the SAML request internally.

Default: http://{HOST_URL}:{HOST_PORT} NPM library option: externalUrl


A comma separated list of API keys that will be validated when serving the Config API requests at /api/v1/saml/config/.

For example JACKSON_API_KEYS=key1,key2,key3


This is just an identifier to validate the SAML audience, this value will also get configured in the SAML apps created by your customers. Once set do not change this value unless you get your customers to reconfigure their SAML again. It is case-sensitive. This does not have to be a real URL.

Default: NPM library option: samlAudience


The ACS path at which the saml response is sent back from the IdP. Set this when using the npm package.

NPM library option: samlPath

For example /api/oauth/saml


This is the path for showing the IdP Selection screen in case there are multiple SAML IdP configs for the same tenant and product. This path is also used to show the App Selection screen in the case of IdP-initiated SAML login (Different apps using the same SAML IdP). Set this when using the npm package.

NPM library option: idpDiscoveryPath

For example: /idp/select - You can find an implemenation of IdP/App Selection at


When tenant and product are used for the SAML flow (and PKCE is not being used) then we use dummy as placeholders for client_id and client_secret. This is not a security issue because SAML is tenanted and hence your Identity Provider will block access to anyone trying to log into your SAML tenant. However for additional security you should set CLIENT_SECRET_VERIFIER to a random secret and use that value as the client_secret during the OAuth 2.0 flow.

Default: dummy NPM library option: clientSecretVerifier


Set to true to enable IdP initiated login for SAML. SP initiated login is the only recommended flow but you might have to support IdP login at times.

Default: false NPM library option: idpEnabled

Database configuration


Supported values are redis, sql, mongo, mem

Default: sql NPM library option: db.engine


The database URL to connect to.

Example: postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/postgres

NPM library option: db.url


Only needed when DB_ENGINE is sql. Supported values are postgres, mysql, mariadb

Default: postgres NPM library option: db.type


TTL for the code, session and token stores (in seconds)

Default: 300 NPM library option: db.ttl


Limit cleanup of TTL entries to this number

Default: 1000 NPM library option: db.cleanupLimit


To encrypt data at rest specify a 32 character key

You can use openssl to generate a random 32 character key:

openssl rand -base64 24

NPM library option: db.encryptionKey


If you use Heroku to deploy Postgres (or use self-signed certs for Postgres) then set this to no-verify. See Heroku docs for more details

Pre-loaded Configuration


If you only need a single tenant or a handful of pre-configured tenants then this config will help you read and load SAML configs. It works well with the mem DB engine so you don't have to configure any external databases for this to work (though it works with those as well). This is a path (absolute or relative) to a directory that contains files organized in the format described in the next section. Check this section for more details

NPM library option: preLoadedConfig

Opentelemetry configuration

Jackson supports observability via OpenTelemetry. The following env vars are available for configuration (along with the rest of the supported ones)


Target URL to which the exporter is going to send metrics.



Headers relevant for the endpoint, useful for specifying authentication details for providers.

Example: lightstep-access-token=<token>,...

Admin UI configuration

Below variables are used to enable Magic link based authentication for Admin UI. The SMTP_ variables are used for sending email which contain the magic link (one-time use) for sign in.


The SMTP host like


The SMTP server port like 587.


Username for the SMTP server.


Password for the SMTP server.


From address used to send mail like:


When running locally this will point to the local server: http://localhost:5225. When deploying to production, set this to the canonical URL of the site. More details here.


Set this to a random string. You can use openssl rand -base64 32 to get one. This secret is used to encrypt JWT and hash the email verification token. More details here.


Set this to a comma separated string of email addresses or glob patterns like:,* Access will be denied to email addresses which don't match. If you don't specify any value access is denied to all.